There's a headphone for everyone, which one is for you?
Choosing the Right Pair
On-ear headphones have ear pads that press against the ears, still letting outside noise in and the music you’re listening to out. They tend to be slightly lighter and smaller than over-ears. As with all other headphones you have to try them on for a bit – especially to judge whether the pressure of the ear pads suits you.
On-ears are useful in traffic when you want the ability to hear what’s going on around you.
Looking for a pair of on-ear headphones? Try out Form 2!
Over-ear headphones have ear pads that encompass the ears – and because they completely surround the ears they can shield against external noises. Useful for flights or other places with lots of noise.
When buying over-ears make sure that their weight suits you and that the ear pads are comfortable enough to wear for longer periods of time.
Interested in a pair of over-ear headphones? Have a look at BeoPlay H6!
Earphones come in two versions: outer-ear earphones and in-ear earphones. They are both small, without a headband, very port able and suitable for sports. The main difference is that the outer-ear earphones are facing the ear canal but not inserted into it, while in-ear earphones go deeper into the ear canal. The outer-ear earphones leave room for outer sounds to seep in, which may be preferable when you need to be aware of your surroundings.
If around-ears are your choice, Earset 3i might be what you’re after?
In-ear earphones, on the other hand, offer better noise isolation by obstructing the ear canals, making you less aware of your surroundings. Additionally, they are less prone to fall out of your ear as they are inserted into the ear canal. When buying earphones comfort is paramount since they are so close to your ear canals. Look for earbuds that fit well.
When searching for in-ears make sure to give BeoPlay H3 a spin!